About The School

Located in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn, LHG Creative is a Professional Performing Arts School serving students ages 3-18. LHG Creative is focused on training the next generation of professionals, whether that be in the arts or anywhere else! The skills, mindset and community taught at LHG will follow students on whatever path they may choose in life and support them along the way.

Do you have to want to become a professional artist to attend our school? No, not at all! What we expect from our students and families is a passion to learn and a true value of the craft and skills we are teaching. Should your child wish to become a professional, performing artists we will guide them along that path. All classes are conducted professionally while still remaining age appropriate.

LHG allows a max of 8-10 students per class. This means every child gets the proper attention they deserve and the ability to create a strong community with their peers.

We are an application based school, so If you’re interested in joining our community be sure to fill out the application below!

The following skills are the pillars of our school and are taught in every class. We believe these skills are essential to accomplishing any goals, in any area of life:

Welcome to The School at

LHG Creative!

  • There are many dancers that don’t know how their own body wants to move. There are singers who don’t know their own voice because they were taught to emulate what’s popular. So many people are terrified to improvise and to be truly vulnerable while performing. However, vulnerability is the HIGHEST required skill to be successful in the Performing Arts. The problem exists because no school teaches it. So here at LDC, we figured out a way to teach it and we implement it into every class.

  • This is a skill that is necessary in all fields! We take great pride in teaching our students how to manage build success without getting overwhelmed. Our students also learn how to behave and work like professionals (show up prepared, on time, and with respect).

  • This element is touched upon in all divisions but is especially emphasized in our PreProfessional and Professional Divisions. The mind is the greatest factor in our ability to succeed at something. Our bodies cannot do something until we believe it to be possible. We teach the same visualization techniques Olympic athletes use to get gold medals and actors use to get the emotion needed for a role etc.

    We also teach mindset to ensure our students are able to handle the pressures of life, so that they may remain confident and proud of who THEY are no matter what comes up.

  • We teach anatomy right from the start. All of our teachers are trained in anatomy in their selective fields and pass their knowledge on to our students to ensure physically safe practices. Dancers, Singers and Actors who utilize strong knowledge of anatomy, avoid injuries and have longevity in their careers. We believe students are never too young to learn about their instrument and how to use it the right way!

  • We teach our students not just to do as we say, but WHY we do things.

    What purpose does each exercise serve? Why are you learning what you’re learning? Etc.

    We teach our students Solid Anatomical Technique, what technique really is (Which is HOW you do something - Technique is not ever the big “show off” trick) and why we do it that way.

    The WHY teaches our students to think for themselves and gives them the ability to make their own decisions as they move forward, helping them develop into safe, intelligent, informed and innovative young adults.

  • Community, Respect and Support are major factors at our school. Our students are taught how to value, support and inspire one another. We aim to create solid, lasting friendships and support systems for each and every one of them!

Our School proudly accepts students of all abilities, genders, races, cultures, identities and financial backgrounds.

LHG allows a max of 8-10 students per class. This means every child gets the proper attention they deserve and the ability to create a strong community with their peers.

If you have any questions regarding your individual child’s needs, please reach out to us!

Financial Assistance options are available.

For Questions Please Contact TheSchool.LHGCreative@gmail.com